Monday, September 15, 2008

My Ideology...

Well.. in class Mr. Wan Burhanuddin ask us about... Where do human being comes from?

Is it apes >>>> (evolution occurs over thousands of years ) >>>> humans?
Adam + Eve "produces" humans ?

Which one should we believe in?

There are some ideology here:
> No wrong or right = altruism
> Everything is wrong = cynism
> Everything is correct = relativism
> Some are correct and some are wrong = ???ism
> Truth is a must to be find out! = truth-seekerism
> It's not a must to find the truth, just throw away the lies.. and here is the truth~ = taoisme ( Lao Tze)

So, what's the ideology that i hold ?

My idelogy is Taoism from Lao Tze.. I believe that if there is no lies, then that is the truth. But it's hard to live without lies, right? Here is the symbol of Taoism.

There must be some White in Black and vice versa. One cannot be totally 'white' or ' black'. Therefore, we only need to try our best to be ourselves^^ But don't hurt people, especially the one u loves.. Enjoy your life~

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